
Property Highlights

Ni-Cu-PGE’s + Au (Greenfields Exploration)
Post creek 912 ha, Halcyon 864 ha
Type of target
1.85 Ga Quartz Diorite Embayment or the Sudbury Breccia Unit of the SIC (Sudbury Intrusive Complex)/ Gold within shear zones/Fe Formation of the Mafic Volcaniclastic rock
Accessible year around road access, serviced by Sudbury city (Mining Hub).


The Post Creek and Halcyon projects are located 35 km northeast of Sudbury in Norman, Parkin, Alymer and Rathburn townships (Figure 1). The Post Creek property consists of 56 unpatented mining claims covering an area of 912 hectares and the Halcyon property consists of 63 unpatented mining claim units totalling 864 hectares. Both properties are contiguous and readily accessible by paved, all-weather gravel, and bush roads. These two properties are strategically located approximately 2 km northeast of the past producing Podolsky Mine owned by KGHM International Ltd., a subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. The Podolsky 2000 and North deposits are both hosted within the Whistle Offset Dyke, which begins at the Sudbury Igneous Complex (past producing Whistle open pit mine) and trends northeast. It has been traced to the northern extent of the Podolsky Mine property, which is contiguous to the northeast with the Post Creek Property.

Offset Dyke and Footwall deposits account for a significant portion of all the ore mined in the Sudbury Mining Camp and continue to be priority target types in the exploration for precious-metal rich magmatic sulphide mineralization. Nickel-copper-PGE deposits associated with Offset Dykes include Vale’s long lived North and South Mines hosted by the Copper Cliff Offset and Totten Mine on the Worthington Offset and KGHM’s past-producing Podolsky Mine on the Whistle Offset and undeveloped Victoria Deposit on the Worthington Offset. Footwall deposits are high grade copper-nickel-PGE deposits commonly associated with large Sudbury Breccia zones and include Vale’s McCreedy East Mine, Glencore’s Deep Copper and Nickel Rim Mines, and KGHM’s Morrison Mine.

Figure 1

Work completed to date by Premium Nickel Resources Ltd (“PNRL” or “The Company” Formerly North American Nickel) has identified a new Quartz Diorite dyke as well as a significant Sudbury Breccia belt on the Post Creek Property. The presence of these lithologies proximal to the eroded base of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) indicates the significant exploration potential for the property to host both Offset and Footwall style mineralization.

Quick Facts

Large area of Sudbury Breccia radiating from Whistle Offset 
Multiple anomalous Cu in grab samples
2003 drilling intercepted large volume of Sudbury Breccia at depth (3 holes)
Large portion of property is poorly explored with limited geophysical coverage

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