
Geology & Mineralization

The Maniitsoq property is underlain by supracrustal rocks intruded by multiple phases of felsic to ultramafic intrusions and dikes of various ages. All of the rocks are Archean in age, except for Proterozoic mafic dikes and a Paleozoic carbonatite intrusion. Four episodes of deformation spanning the Archean and Proterozoic have been identified in the project area.

A group of kilometre-scale norite intrusions occur in the center of the project area and form a north-trending J-shaped belt comprising the GNB. The noritic intrusions host significant nickel-copper sulphide mineralization and are the focus of PNRL’s exploration efforts. The Maniitsoq intrusions are interpreted to be approximately 3.0 Ga in age, making them some of the oldest documented district scale nickel occurrences in the world (Waterton et al., 2020[1];).

The Maniitsoq mineralization comprises disseminated, blebby, net-textured, semi-massive and massive sulphide. Secondary structural processes have modified the primary sulphide resulting in the formation of stringers, veins, fracture fillings and sulphide breccia veins. The sulphide zones are commonly represented by multiple discrete EM plates and this is interpreted to be due, at least in part, to the disruption and remobilization of primary magmatic sulphide.

Mineralogical studies utilizing QEMSCAN (Quantitative Evaluation of Materials by Scanning Electron Microscopy), XRD (X-ray diffraction) and EMPA (Electron Microprobe Analysis) were completed on mineralized samples from Imiak Hill, Spotty Hill, P-013, P-030, P-032, P-053, P-058 and P-149 (Technical Reports).

These studies determined modal mineralogy, mineral texture, nickel, copper and cobalt deportment and the liberation/association characteristics of nickel, copper and iron sulphides for each sample. Results indicate the following:

  • Mineralization consists of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, pyrite and chalcopyrite
  • Pentlandite is the main nickel-bearing mineral hosting > 90% of the nickel in the samples
  • Copper is hosted by chalcopyrite
  • Pentlandite recoveries may achieve > 95% for all samples

Predominantly pentlandite-hosted nickel may be an advantage to potential future economics as this sulphide mineral is readily liberated by conventional metallurgical processes.

Technical information reported here has been reviewed by Dr. Peter Lightfoot, Ph.D., P.Geo., who is the Qualified Person for the Company, Consulting Geologist, Premium Nickel Resources Ltd.

[1]Source: Front. Earth Sci., 22 September

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